That Moment…

…When you realize you are actually making progress.

Just today I was sitting on my couch and had the urge to do something productive. But I didn’t exactly know what to do. I believe I have all my shit together. Nothing can be optimized or improved, well at least not that I’m aware of. Chores are all done. I’m on track. Everything is taken care of.

And suddenly that weird feeling of anxiety overcame me.

It took me a while to realize… I actually reached a lot of my personal goals and I’m on track with all my plans. But … what … now ? I just couldn’t relax. I had this anxious feeling to do something… anything. And this is when it hit me. I need to move forward already and start something new.

It’s time for a new project. And I have a couple of ideas.

I immediatly starting braindumping and planing tasks to start to get creative again. And when I was done I realized I’m actually making progress because I feel ready to tackle new challenges.

Feels good man. So this is progress ? Seems like it.

Achievement unlocked. HAVE MY SHIT TOGETHER 🙂