Bought all the DIPS!

Okay. I’ve done it.

I bought all the dips yesterday and I’m all out of money now.

I doubled down on a lot of stocks. My portfolio looks horrible. But at least I’m not in the red in overall returns.

So if everything drops even more now, you can thank me, because that’s probably because I bought. I can’t buy more dips now. I’m broke.

It’s Rice and Lentils for me now. But I’m expecting a Lambo in return.

So I’m waiting for a recovery now. If the US goes full recession mode now, I’m fucked. I hope for the turnaround and will bite my nails, while I look at my stock portfolio dipping deeper into the red. If everything goes south, I have a bridge nearby, in case I get tired. So no worries.

Good luck to all the other apes out there. May your candles be green and your gainz plenty. God help us all.