Room Full Of Republicans Cheer Universal Healthcare

I don’t get these people. They want universal healthcare ?
I’m sorry to break it to you guys, but you are in the wrong party then.
It almost seems you are delibaretly voting against your self-interest.
Who would have guessed ….
I remember when they shamed Sanders for beeing a democratic socialist.
I thought universal healthcare was evil communism, what is it now ?

Arrival: A Response To Bad Movies

Warning: mayor spoilers ahead
If you haven’t seen this movie I recommend it.
It’s a good refreshing Sci-Fi Movie, which you don’t see often.
It’s more in the category of Carl Sagan’s Contact, instead of the “Exploding Spaceships” and “Special Effects” alien movies we get all the time. I really enjoyed this movie. So go watch the movie and then come back and watch this πŸ™‚ :