Category: External Content
External Content, Not created on thos site. mostly memes and youtube videos
Precht ΓΌber Angela Merkel
CRS-10 | Falcon 9 First Stage Landing
This just never gets old .
90 percent of coding is debugging
21st Century Humans
If you don’t know exurb1a. He makes a lot of funny existential meltdown videos. Here are a few of his best :
Room Full Of Republicans Cheer Universal Healthcare
I don’t get these people. They want universal healthcare ?
I’m sorry to break it to you guys, but you are in the wrong party then.
It almost seems you are delibaretly voting against your self-interest.
Who would have guessed ….
I remember when they shamed Sanders for beeing a democratic socialist.
I thought universal healthcare was evil communism, what is it now ?
You don’t know how Quantum Computers work!
There’s a video, which actually attempts to explain Quantum Computers, for a change. Most videos and articles are just ” Herp derp you can make multiple calculations at once “. Still quite didn’t get it though. More please π
gut informiert
speed date
Lutz is still the best π
Europa Mission
Europa Lander Mission
Nasa proposed a follow up mission to the flyby of Europa.
If it gets approved the Lander will launch in 2024/2025.
It will drill into the surface and look for signs of life.
Estaminated arrival would be arround 2030.
Why is the Sun Slowing Down?
javascript frameworks
Wenn man mal ganz schnell keine Hilfe braucht
A new model that tries to solve five Physics problems at once
Synopsis: Model Tries to Solve Five Physics Problems at Once
and relevant xkcd: π
Obfuscating “Hello world!”
Obfuscating “Hello world!” ( detailed explanation )
AI Training
The Mathematics of Quantum Computers
daily dose of pics
Arrival: A Response To Bad Movies
Warning: mayor spoilers ahead
If you haven’t seen this movie I recommend it.
It’s a good refreshing Sci-Fi Movie, which you don’t see often.
It’s more in the category of Carl Sagan’s Contact, instead of the “Exploding Spaceships” and “Special Effects” alien movies we get all the time. I really enjoyed this movie. So go watch the movie and then come back and watch this π :
When your code is too racist
Remove the term “whitelist”
… “merged”
best comment in this thread:
I totally agree. Additionally, I think we should remove static typing. We shouldn’t be telling objects what they are until they decide for themselves, at runtime. Segregating objects based on type? I think I’ve heard that before…
π lulz…
Late Show 14.02
Trump just doing “Trump Things”