Play Store

Releasing an App on the Google Play Store was quite the learning experience.
It took forever to go through all these questionaires and you need to pay 25 Dollar up front for a developer account. And if you went through all that and you upload your first app, you need to wait for Google to review it. For me this took a few days for the first version and 1 or 2 days for an update. So if you have a bug fix or want to release something quick this is quite annoying.
But I actually want to learn a bit more about mobile apps and Android studio.
I have a few ideas what I want to do. Let’s see. If I have time and nothing better to do I will probably go through some tutorials and courses, so my 25 Dollar payment wasn’t in vain 🙂


I just got a new Thinkpad and noticed the Arch installer is really good now. I also like the minimal approach. I will probably reinstall again in 10 years or so but I automated my complete install now. Went trough it with a checklist and automated everything from installed software and configs file up to browser bookmarks. Now I can just load the json files of the installer and run my own scripts for personalization. Neat. Long story short I like the new installer.