Arch linux deprecating 32Bit support

from the arch-dev-public mailinglist

Finally found some time to write a draft for news post on i686. Here it is:

Title: i686 is dead, long live i686

Due to the decreasing popularity of i686 among the developers and the
community, we have decided to phase out the support of this architecture.

The decision means that February ISO will be the last that allows to
install 32 bit Arch Linux. The next 9 months are deprecation period,
during which i686 will be still receiving upgraded packages. Starting
from November 2017, packaging and repository tools will no longer
require that from maintainers, effectively making i686 unsupported.


blog update

I switched the blog to infinite scrolling,
so you don’t have to click that nasty “next” button
to get to older posts πŸ™‚
much nicer.. have fun πŸ˜‰

I noticed the syntax highlighter doesn’t work right,
when infinite scrolling is used..
and you can’t scroll the code window on a phone.
Will have a look at that when I’m bored some time in the future πŸ˜‰
just FYI

hotel wlan rant

Seriously…. who develops these shitty systems for hotel wifi ?
I know , I know , it’s been said a thousand times…
But I’m sitting here in Austria in a fucking hotel and guess what.

  • No wifi encryption
  • password security is a joke
  • They redirect all sites to the login site
  • I get a thousand certificate warnings
  • need 10 minutes to think of a site which doesn’t default to https
  • finally -> login
  • I wan’t to establish a ssl vpn tunnel
  • can’t connect with openvpn
  • can’t connect with IRC
  • can’t access my NAS
  • can’t connect with SSH
  • Search for free https tunneling solutions
  • give up

at least it’s fucking slow as fuck and the connection is terrible,
so we got that going … *sigh*

reminder to myself : run openvpn on 443

Optically Clear Aluminum

Optically Clear Aluminum Provides Bulletproof Protection.

Technically known as aluminum oxynitride, Star Trek fans may be more familiar with the term β€œtransparent aluminum” first proposed by Scotty in the 1986 movie,Β Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home. While ALON isn’t quite what Scotty had in mind (it’s not truly a transparent metallic aluminum, but rather a transparent aluminum-based ceramic), it’s pretty darn close.

Computer ?

Synology and the DTS issue

Today I noticed, that certain video files from my Synology would not play in the browser. I quickly found out, it’s an issue with DTS Audio Tracks, which appearently has been arround for ages. The Synology is not new, but I never noticed until now, because I mostly just played videos over NFS. But the Video Station also gives you the ability to play them over the browser, which is nice to have if you are not at home and want to play videos over a remote computer or your phone. So the only solution to get rid of this issue, as it seems, is just converting the files to have another audio format. I made a really simple script to help me with that. I didn’t want to do this manually since I have a lot of video files.

So if anyone has the same issue… a simple loop will do :

will probably need to leave it on over the night πŸ™‚


# Script for identifying DTS Audiotracks on the NAS
# and convert them to a specific target folder


if [ ! -d ${TARGET} ]; then
    mkdir -p ${TARGET}
if [ ! -d ${MOVIE_DIR} ]; then
    echo "ERROR: could not find directory"
    exit 1
rm -f $LOGFILE
toucn $LOGFILE
find ${MOVIE_DIR} -type f | while read file
        filename=$(basename ${file})
        mediainfo ${file} | grep -q  "DTS"
        if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
            echo "\e[1;31mFOUND DTS FILE:\e[0;33m ${filename}\e[0m"
            echo ${filename} >> ${LOGFILE}
            echo "converting the file and saving it to $TARGET"
            ffmpeg -i ${file} ${TARGET}/${filename}
            echo "\e[0;32mnot a DTS file:\e[0;34m ${filename}\e[0m"