Pre-ToasterBotnet 2016


December 2016

- Fefe über Populismus, Wahrheit & Lüge - Jung & Naiv: Folge 289 - 33c3
- Machine Dreams (33c3)
- SpiegelMining – Reverse Engineering von Spiegel-Online (33c3)
- Build your own NSA (33c3)
- 3 Years After Snowden: Is Germany fighting State Surveillance? (33c3)
- Martin Haase(maha): Die Sprache der Populisten (33c3)
- How physicists analyze massive data: LHC + brain + ROOT = Higgs (33c3)
- Nicht öffentlich. (33c3)
- You can -j REJECT but you can not hide: Global scanning of the IPv6 Internet (33c3)
- Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? Becoming a secret travel agent (33c3)
- Shut Up and Take My Money! (33c3)
- The DROWN Attack (33c3) Talk
- The DROWN Attack
- Amazon Go Is About Way More Than Groceries
- Finland will hand out cash to 2000 jobless people to test universal basic income
- How is NSA breaking so much crypto? (2015)
- IPv6 enabled Christmas Tree
- BTWahl: 1. Hochrechnung 2017
- Handheld TESLA COIL GUN at 28,000fps
- Quantum Gravity’s Time Problem

November 2016

- PBS has a new youtube channel
- IP Over QR Code!
- Is Physical Law an Alien Intelligence?
- Microsoft joins The Linux Foundation as a Platinum member
- Regex that only matches itself wtf ?
- The “Other Side” Is Not Dumb
- Trump-Tracker
- Behind the Scenes at Trump Headquarters - Meet the Speechwriter
- StackOverflow Importer

October 2016

- Before the Flood - Full Movie | National Geographic
- 3 Rules for Rulers 
- Noam Chomsky - Jung & Naiv: Episode 284
- The Most Efficient Way to Destroy the Universe – False Vacuum
- How it feels to learn JavaScript in 2016
- The 2016 Nobel Prizes: Chemistry and Physics!
- Hubble Reveals Observable Universe Contains 10 Times More Galaxies Than Previously Thought
- IRC v3
- Tatü, tata: „Cyberwehr“ für Hilfe bei IT-Sicherheitsvorfällen geplant – Unternehmen sollen kostenlos mitmachen
- The Large Hadron Collider is running out of disk space
- LEAKED AUDIO: Hillary Says Free Healthcare & College 'We Cannot Do'

September 2016

- Making Humans a Multiplanetary Species
- Scandals: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
- Outsourcing der Barbarei
- Two years spamming spammers back
- golden Cubes and Gravitational Waves - Sixty Symbols 
- Self-Replicating Robots and Galactic Domination | Space Time
- Sonneborn - Meine 1. Rede zum "State of da Union"... 
- Europe announces that all scientific papers should be free by 2020

August 2016

- Abmahnbeantworter
- Megaprocessor – A micro-processor built large
- TIL this actually exists: Britney Spears' Guide to Semiconductor Physics
- Why Brexit happened -- and what to do next | Alexander Betts
- How the Quantum Eraser Rewrites the Past
- Why I live in IRC(2015)
- Genetic Engineering Will Change Everything Forever – CRISPR
- Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Journalism (HBO)

July 2016

- Space Emerging from Quantum Mechanics
- Die Gewalt der Plattform und der Preis des Postkapitalismus
- My 23andme and You
- Apollo 11 Source Code - Bug Report
- Sunspring | A Sci-Fi Short Film Starring Thomas Middleditch

June 2016

- What are “actual pictures” of atoms actually pictures of?
- Planck's Constant and The Origin of Quantum Mechanics
- Drowning in a sea of information
- UNCOUNTED: The True Story of the California Primary
- Anthony Scopatz - xonsh - PyCon 2016
- parsimonygate & Occam's Razor
- 2001: A Picasso Odyssey
- Theories of Everything

May 2016

- The empty brain
- P vs. NP and the Computational Complexity Zoo
- Die Steffen Seibert Ultras
- We can reprogram life. How to do it wisely | Juan Enriquez
- Tilo vs. BR-Chef Wilhelm: "Der Bayerische Rundfunk ist nicht unabhängig" 
- Last Week Tonight : Todd Talks
- The Philosophy of South Park
- Trump answer that will instantly make you dumber
- Cyber Gedoens
- Programming Cheat Sheets
- Theorists perplexed by hints of unexpected new particle
- WeaselDefense

April 2016

- Noam Chomsky on Bernie Sanders
- The most mysterious star in the universe | Tabetha Boyajian
- The LHC has been taken out of action for a few days... by a weasel
- Die Anstalt: AFD und Verfassungsschutz
- The Zen of Python Illustrated
- How Animals Think
- Bubble Burst Bernie
- This Video Has Consumed X of Y(auto changing title)
- awesome Bernie Ad
- Linus Torvalds: The mind behind Linux
- Inside the mind of a master procrastinator | Tim Urban 
  April Fools Day Jokes
- Python 8
- Google Cardboard Plastic
- Certified Dogecoin Professional
- Cern Music
- CountryOS
- Donald Trump's Huge Campaign Announcement
- Star Trek White Noise Sleep Machine
- Humble Indie Font Bundle

March 2016

- How to Hack an Election
- Trump vs. Bernie in the First Ever @midnight Presidential Debate
- Böhmermann - Frühling für Frauke
- Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Encryption (HBO)
- Washington Post Runs 16 Anti-Bernie Stories In 16 Hours
- Roadmap to the stars / Scishow - Photonic Propulsion
- The Trouble with Transporters  ->  Follow up from Minute Physics

February 2016

- Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Donald Trump (HBO) (video)
- Gödel’s incompleteness theorems are connected to the real world
- Triumph the Insult Comic Dog Mentors Mike Huckabee (video)
- Sonneborn rettet die EU (VIII): TOP-US-Anti-Terror-Gadgets (video)

January 2016

- The Origin of Matter and Time (video)
- Noam Chomsky on Donald Trump and the GOP (video)
- WiFi guest access? You gotta touch the banana
- The Sanity of Madness (video)
- TrumpScript - Make Python great again
- TED - James Veitch: This is what happens when you reply to spam email (video)
- The True Nature of Matter and Mass (video)
- RetroPie Project

Pre-ToasterBotnet 2015


December 2015

- A message from George Orwell: your digital rights (video)
- Frank Rieger über Demokratie, Überwachung & "Lügenpresse" - Jung & Naiv: Folge 247 (video)
- Unsere Cyber Cyber Regierung (video)
- cool c3 talks imo (videos)

 - The exhaust emissions scandal („Dieselgate“)
 - Philipp Winter: How the Great Firewall discovers hidden circumvention servers
 - Alexander Graf: Beyond your cable modem
 - Steini: Quantenphysik und Kosmologie
 - Fefe, frank: Fnord-Jahresrückblick
 - Martin Haase/maha, Kai Biermann: „Nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen“ – Floskeln in der Politik
 - Joscha: Computational Meta-Psychology
 - rop, frank: Ten years after ‚We Lost The War‘
- What is Something (video)
- What Are Quantum Gravity's Alternatives To String Theory?
- Black holes have a size limit of 50 billion suns
- THE FLYING CAR (A Short Film by Kevin Smith) (video)
- The first plasma: the Wendelstein 7-X fusion device is now in operation
- Darth Trump (video)
- How to sound smart in your TEDx Talk (video)
- In a Nutshell - Quantum Computers Explained (video)
- Glitch Primes and Cyclops Numbers - Numberphile (video)
- MS-DOS 5 Promo Video (video)
- 99 Problems but a switch aint one - cisco parody (video)
- what is spacetime really - Stephen Wolfram

November 2015

- Fraktus - Welcome to the internet (video)
- TED: We Can Now Edit Our DNA. But Let's Do it Wisely - Jennifer Doudna (video)
- greentext
- The Star Wars says
- Star Wars HoloChess (video)
- Why everything is just the worst (video)
- Uptime Funk (video)
- Honest Teaser - The Force Awakens (video)
- Debian MailServer SPF and DKIM

October 2015

- China 'to start work on super, super-collider by 2020'
- ohne worte
- How Big is Graham's Number? (feat Ron Graham) (video)
- Why Donald Trump Is A Gift To Democracy (video)
- Chromoscope
- MySQL Bug gets a cake (video)
- Quantencomputer - Erstes Logik Gatter
- mycli
- Forget Steve Jobs, Get Ready For Michael Dell (video)
- Phpunit VW Extension
- Rapping the History of the Neutrino (video)
- Neutrino Nobel Prize - Sixty Symbols (video)

September 2015

- taler
- The European Refugee Crisis and Syria Explained (video)
- The Motivation for a Monolithic Codebase (video)
- Why Security Experts Are Using Mutt

August 2015

- The Power Of Selling Out: Your Customers As Political Capital - Onion Talks(viddeo)
- How "oldschool" graphics worked.(video)
- Superconductivity at -70°C
- Giant Mystery Ring of Galaxies Should Not Exist
- Why do some people assume that the Planck length/time are the minimum possible length and time?
- 3 Messages We've Sent to Extraterrestrials(video)
- HN: Windows Platform Binary Table / Lenovo autochk.exe Discussion reddit thread
- Cat Feeding Machine
- Theories of Everything, Mapped
- Python Wheels
- The Fighting Techniques Of James T. Kirk

July 2015

- UCLA unveils augmented reality teaching sandbox
- Vim Keyboard
- Receiving Weather Satellite Images With An £8 Dongle
- bocker - Docker in 100 Lines of Bash
- $100 Mio. for SETI
- Computer Programming To Be Officially Renamed “Googling Stackoverflow”
- SciShow - DeepDream: Inside Google's 'Daydreaming' Computers (video)
- Pentaquark - Sixty Symbols (video)
- What if there was a black hole in your pocket? (video)
- be a rockstar
- snow - A layer 3 virtual network that uses public keys instead of IP addresses
- GIT T-Shirt

June 2015

- Fuck off As a Service
- IFG Antrag fuer Bundestrojaner Sourcecode
- Must-watch videos about Python
- Microsoft to support SSH!
- What are the dark corners of Vim your mom never told you about?

May 2015

- KUNG FURY Official Movie (HD) (video)
- 4.000 Years of World History
- Smart Mirror Project
- gnu-pricing
- This page exists only if someone is looking at it (so it may not be there anymore soon) 
- Actual Math behind silicon valleys dick joke
- Computational Hydrographic Printing (SIGGRAPH 2015)  (video)
- Postillon Nach zahlreichen Skandalen: NSA verkauft Tochterunternehmen BND
- Jim Holt: Why does the universe exist? (video)

April 2015

- Docker without Docker
- Wormholes Untangle a Black Hole Paradox
- stacksort
- Josh Triplett - Porting Python to run without an OS - PyCon 2015 (video) mind-blow at 22:45
- How To Write Unmaintainable Code
- Little Bobby Tables has a cousin
- theFuck
- Lorem Ipsum Bug x)
- A GIF History of U.S. Retro Gaming Consoles: 1972-1996
- ??!??! operator
- The Six Stages of systemd 2014 (video) 
- let's encrypt
- save the internet
- The Real Doctor: Tom Baker vs. David Tennant - Nerd Court (video)
- How to build a brain with Python (video)
- maximum bandwith (video)
- Technocracy movement
- Vim as a Python IDE (video)
- Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Government Surveillance (HBO) (video)
- LHC is back in operation
- PHP: a fractal of bad design
- Python 3 Metaprogramming (video)
April Fools Jokes

- Reddit - The Button - rebrands in preparation for 4.0 release - Introducing Dial-Up mode (video) - Cyanogenmod Nightly Build update - FAZ - Initiative erprobt das katzenlose Netz - Introducing Snapcash! (video) - New Back to the Future Movie Trailer (2015) (video) - Selfie Shoes (video) - Introducing PlayStation Flow (video) - Parteien-Fusion: Piratenpartei und Die PARTEI schließen sich zusammen - x86: Drop 32-bit support in Linux Kernel - Tinder for Uber - Introducing #MotoSelfieStick (video) - Smartbox by Inbox: the mailbox of tomorrow, today (video) - Support for negative number of CPUs is implemented in the Linux kernel - Clippy is open-source on github - - Fefe springt für Sascha Lobos Vortrag auf der re:publica ein - CERN researchers confirm existence of the Force - MS-DOS comes to lumia smartphones - Gentoo website makeover - Pac-Man on Google Maps - xkcloud - LHC Run 2 cancelled, CERN closes doors - Microsoft Announces Its Own Linux OS - Do It YourSelfie 360° Selfie Rig - Die Klassiker kehren zurück: O2 verkauft Vintage-Handys von Nokia und Siemens - Galaxy BLADE edge: Chef’s Edition - The XQD - Quantum Entanglement Camera (video) - Pac-Man in Ingress - python yoloimport - CSS draft of including astronomical scales , also "double rainbow" ! - Introducing Google Actual Cloud Platform (video) - LM hash wins Password Hashing Contest - Add ROT13. A fast, keyless, powerful cipher. - Meẗal - a python decorator library powered by umlauts - Metasploit Banner Adjustments - Disney/Pixar's X-WINGS Movie Trailer (video) - live technician monitoring - Peter Jackson Developing Doctor Who Film Franchise With All Surviving Doctors

March 2015

- Rocky's Printer - Eye of the tiger on a dot matrix printer (video)
- Your website should be so simple, a drunk person could use it
- Cards against IT
- Apple Engineer Talks about the New 2015 Macbook
- Programming sucks
- The Gentleman's Single-Use Monocle
- sans bullshit sans
- Linux 4.0-rc1 Hurr durr I'ma Sheep
- ChuckNorrisException
- unindexed - self-deleting site -> archive link 
- Moving online webserver using public transport (video)
- systemd gets a bootloader please ! stahp !
- exploding kittens

February 2015

- Win Cleaner (video) 
- The First Honest Cable Company (video)
- How People with Schizophrenia Use the Internet
- Magic
- Bundespressekonferenz: Zu viele Fragen unerwünscht
- In Fake Universes, Evidence for String Theory
- Thousands of people are watching this guy code a search engine
- it's a unix system, I know this - The Game
- Now, I can see wifi signals.
- Chaos Darmstadt stellt sich vor  (video)
- Ubiquiti Networks EdgeMAX Edge Router Lite (video)
- A regular expression to check for prime numbers
- 0h n0 – A new game from the makers of 0h h1
- DSCOVR Mission Launch video
- Silicon Valley Season 2: Promo (HBO) (video)
- Netflix und Nintendo arbeiten an Zelda-Epos
- Samsung warnt: Bitte achten Sie darauf, nichts Privates vor unseren SmartTVs zu erzählen
- Ubuntu smartphone offers alternative to apps
- One-electron_universe
- Doctor Who Lego Set
- Supercomputer and the Milky Way - Computerphile (video)
- What It Is Like to Be Schizophrenic (video)
- Guido van Rossum: The Early Years of Python  (video)
- Raspberry Pi 2
- ARTE : Yps - eine kommunistische Erfindung?

January 2015

- Microsoft to invest in Cyanogen, which hopes to take Android from Google
- NSA tweets happy data privacy day
- EFF’s Game Plan for Ending Global Mass Surveillance
- ssh-chat
- Software Library: MS-DOS Games
- arch-dev ML : Git repositories for AUR
- secure secure shell
- Inside a Google data center (video)
- Cards against science

Pre-ToasterBotnet 2014


December 2014

- 31c3 is on - here is a summary of links and infos : Chaos Communication Congress
- How many GNU/Linux users are needed to change a light bulb?
- Kernel commit - 4 year old girl fixes formatting to make 's' happy :)
- The Joy of Whiteboarding with Rob Boss
- Fertig-Rechenzentrum im container
- DefCon 22 - Weaponizing Your Pets - Gene Bransfield
- DefCon 22 Videos online
- Superconductivity without cooling
- the 31c3 Fahrplan is online
- SWAPI - The Star Wars API
- NASA’s Journey to Mars News Briefing
- Star Wars: Episode VII Trailer - George Lucas' Special Edition
- Four ways Linux is headed for no-downtime kernel patching

November 2014

- The history of IRC
- Arthur C. Clarke Predicts the Internet & PC video
- Aaaand they are forking Debian
- Java EE - writing a simple hello world application xD
- Host unknown - CISSP
- E-Cigarettes can give you malware
- Anderson Cooper tries schizophrenia simulator
- Lockheed Martin's overly dramatic commercial - we are all going to die
- Hackernews Evergreens
- GNU hello 2.10 has been released - A new era dawns
- Cloud and Heat
- Star Trek Nagios Dashboard
- Tetris printer algorithm and an  example GIF
- Crypto 101 - an introductory course on cryptography

October 2014

- Windows gets a packet-manager
- Facebook's osquery
- Lockheed says makes breakthrough on fusion energy project
- Sonneborn strikes again - Tibor Navracsics
- openBSD fixes 37 year old bug with a 22 year old patch in head
- Systemd is introducing a VT ... WHy ?
- The Physical Web
- How does a computer chip work
- Learn Brogramming, The Hard Way
- Cameron raps the truth

September 2014

- Martin Sonneborn: Fragen an Oettinger
- The 31c3 Wiki is online
- Mining Bitcoin with pencil and paper
- - if it doesn't work just use more of it like violence
- SHELLSHOCK - Bash vulnerability
- uselessd - the smaller systemd :)
- There's a new unofficial installer for arch ( German Site )
- Reddit Thread - Just Sysadmin Things
- chromeos-apk - run android apps on the desktop (POC)
- Shout - finally a nice web-irc client :)
- a JPEG that becomes a PNG after AES encryption and a PDF after 3DES decryption
- Netflix introducing the Chaos Engineer
- Awesome pop culture caricature art
- sshrc - take your bashrc with you when you ssh
- Evolution’s Random Paths Lead to One Place
- AVGN - The Movie : it's finally out and it's awesome ;)
- Antique Case for Custom File Server : kickin' it oldskool
- ITER Assembly video
- Geek Art
- Browse the interwebZ with SMS :)

Pre-ToasterBotnet & Pre-Quickstop Wiki 2013

old but gold

Some old stuff which popped up again 🙂

- Kung Fury Trailer
- wat
- The Expert (sketch)
- Binary Metal
- Isaac Asimov Memorial Debate: The Existence of Nothing. Moderated by Neil DeGrass Tyson
- How to shoot yourself in the foot in various programming languages
- Unix recovery legend
- Back to the future - unix wildcards gone wild
- Stackoverflow - programmer jokes
- Stackoverflow - Comments in Source Code
- Microsoft Support - How to Remove Linux and Install Windows XP
- The Website is down
- The Website is down #2 Excel Hell
- Ubuntu Causes Girl To Drop Out of College
- Leonard Susskind - Why is Time a One-Way Street?
- Nova - Brian Greene : The Elegant Universe
- GINK , or everything derrickcomedy
- Programming Jargon
- Leonard Susskind - The Black Hole Wars: My Battle with Stephen Hawking
- Rootless Root - The Unix Koans of Master Foo - From ESR
- everybody loves Eric Raymond - Webcomic Archives
- something of that ilk - Webcomic
- Windows 386 Promo video
- Geek Hero - Webcomic 
- The oatmeal comics
- Dog House Diaries
- Defcon 14 - Secrets of the hollywood hacker
- linux on a potato
- Numb3rs' description of IRC
- NCIS 2 idiots 1 Keyboard
- The Onion - World of World of Warcraft
- Bruce Schneier Facts
- Mindguard
- Linux on an 8-Bit Micro
- Code Monkey
- If carpenters were hired like programmers
- Epic Rap Battles of History - Einstein Vs. Hawking (video)
- Photoshop Rap Tutorial (video)
- Photoshop Rap Tutorial Part 2 (video)
- Rowan Atkinson - Conservative Conference