Optically Clear Aluminum

Optically Clear Aluminum Provides Bulletproof Protection.

Technically known as aluminum oxynitride, Star Trek fans may be more familiar with the term “transparent aluminum” first proposed by Scotty in the 1986 movie, Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home. While ALON isn’t quite what Scotty had in mind (it’s not truly a transparent metallic aluminum, but rather a transparent aluminum-based ceramic), it’s pretty darn close.

Computer ?

Synology and the DTS issue

Today I noticed, that certain video files from my Synology would not play in the browser. I quickly found out, it’s an issue with DTS Audio Tracks, which appearently has been arround for ages. The Synology is not new, but I never noticed until now, because I mostly just played videos over NFS. But the Video Station also gives you the ability to play them over the browser, which is nice to have if you are not at home and want to play videos over a remote computer or your phone. So the only solution to get rid of this issue, as it seems, is just converting the files to have another audio format. I made a really simple script to help me with that. I didn’t want to do this manually since I have a lot of video files.

So if anyone has the same issue… a simple loop will do :

will probably need to leave it on over the night 🙂


# Script for identifying DTS Audiotracks on the NAS
# and convert them to a specific target folder


if [ ! -d ${TARGET} ]; then
    mkdir -p ${TARGET}
if [ ! -d ${MOVIE_DIR} ]; then
    echo "ERROR: could not find directory"
    exit 1
rm -f $LOGFILE
toucn $LOGFILE
find ${MOVIE_DIR} -type f | while read file
        filename=$(basename ${file})
        mediainfo ${file} | grep -q  "DTS"
        if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
            echo "\e[1;31mFOUND DTS FILE:\e[0;33m ${filename}\e[0m"
            echo ${filename} >> ${LOGFILE}
            echo "converting the file and saving it to $TARGET"
            ffmpeg -i ${file} ${TARGET}/${filename}
            echo "\e[0;32mnot a DTS file:\e[0;34m ${filename}\e[0m"

Hello World again !

So welcome to my new site.

As you might notice I blasted out a few posts all at once.

This is a little appetizer what’s to come.

I post stuff from all arround the intertubez which I find interesting, funny, educational or worthy to be spreaded.

The categories are all over the place and I plan to post about news, philosophy, politics, technology, science and of course cats. Really anything cool which I stumble upon.

Now and then I plan to post about my own projects or thoughts on specific topics with a little more substance and original content.

So stay tuned.

And I hope you come back to visit some time.

I recommend subscribing to the RSS feed 😉

The EM Drive

If you read science articles you probably read a lot about the EM Drive in the recent past.

As we all know science journalism is not about science but more about clicks and Sensationalism. So if you want to hear a realistic view on the EM Drive, I recommend watching the latest PBS Space time about it.

They explain it really well.

but now it sounds not so exciting anymore 😉

Giuliani knows how to hire cyber people

The Register reports That the Giuliani Security website is pretty ancient.

And on twitter some guy posted an nmap scan of the box.

Right after this went public, they took down the A Record DNS entry …

but people quickly figured out it is still available over the IP address.

to break it down for you:

  • a lot of open ports
  • running openssh version 4.7 ( lol )
  • OS must be 9 to 10 years old at least
  • could be a NAT or a single box ( either way it’s funny )
  • expired ssl
  • Exposed cms login
  • using joomla install from 2013
  • ssh, pop3 (?), imap, smtp, mysql, ldap ALL open to the public
  • looks like a honeypot from 1999 or a metasploitable installation

In case you don’t know Giuliani: It’s the former New York mayor, which Trump hired for his Cyber-Business.

good lord… He will surely hire the best people


33c3 Talks

The best 33c3 Talks from december:

Visualizing the Riemann zeta function and analytic continuation

Riemann Hypothesis explained the awesome way:


I instantly subscribed to this channel, he has a lot more videos like this and explains math in a cool way.

also a good watch is this one: Who cares about topology?

for a shorter and more straight forward explanation for the Riemann Hypothesis there is also the Numberphile video

Hello world!

You’ve come to the end of all posts.

I started this Blog early 2017.

All the old stuff might still be arround if you are lucky.

But I plan to take it down some time in the future.


So long and thanks for all the fish