goodbye Schulz !
😀 😀 😀
next stop Kanzleramt … !? ( Keine Bremsen ! )
Today I noticed, that certain video files from my Synology would not play in the browser. I quickly found out, it’s an issue with DTS Audio Tracks, which appearently has been arround for ages. The Synology is not new, but I never noticed until now, because I mostly just played videos over NFS. But the Video Station also gives you the ability to play them over the browser, which is nice to have if you are not at home and want to play videos over a remote computer or your phone. So the only solution to get rid of this issue, as it seems, is just converting the files to have another audio format. I made a really simple script to help me with that. I didn’t want to do this manually since I have a lot of video files.
So if anyone has the same issue… a simple loop will do :
will probably need to leave it on over the night 🙂
# Script for identifying DTS Audiotracks on the NAS
# and convert them to a specific target folder
if [ ! -d ${TARGET} ]; then
mkdir -p ${TARGET}
if [ ! -d ${MOVIE_DIR} ]; then
echo "ERROR: could not find directory"
exit 1
rm -f $LOGFILE
toucn $LOGFILE
find ${MOVIE_DIR} -type f | while read file
filename=$(basename ${file})
mediainfo ${file} | grep -q "DTS"
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "\e[1;31mFOUND DTS FILE:\e[0;33m ${filename}\e[0m"
echo ${filename} >> ${LOGFILE}
echo "converting the file and saving it to $TARGET"
ffmpeg -i ${file} ${TARGET}/${filename}
echo "\e[0;32mnot a DTS file:\e[0;34m ${filename}\e[0m"
finally a useful PoE adapter.
Now we can plug the coffee machine right into the switch.
Bonus Point for the possibility to powercycle three things with one command.
SpaceX resumed operations since the explosion last september.
Now they can get going with that Mars-Colonization-Plan.
awesome news 😉
So welcome to my new site.
As you might notice I blasted out a few posts all at once.
This is a little appetizer what’s to come.
I post stuff from all arround the intertubez which I find interesting, funny, educational or worthy to be spreaded.
The categories are all over the place and I plan to post about news, philosophy, politics, technology, science and of course cats. Really anything cool which I stumble upon.
Now and then I plan to post about my own projects or thoughts on specific topics with a little more substance and original content.
So stay tuned.
And I hope you come back to visit some time.
I recommend subscribing to the RSS feed 😉
It’s still caturday isn’t it ?
I nearly forgot to post a cat.
At least Sanders is calling out Trump for his contradictions.
I really hope that guy runs again in 2020.
Kyle breaks it down 😉 :
now that’s a college course I would sign up for :
from the FAQ:
Is this your idea of a joke?
No. This website is intended to accompany a potential college seminar entitled “Calling Bullshit”.
If you read science articles you probably read a lot about the EM Drive in the recent past.
As we all know science journalism is not about science but more about clicks and Sensationalism. So if you want to hear a realistic view on the EM Drive, I recommend watching the latest PBS Space time about it.
They explain it really well.
but now it sounds not so exciting anymore 😉
The Register reports That the Giuliani Security website is pretty ancient.
And on twitter some guy posted an nmap scan of the box.
Right after this went public, they took down the A Record DNS entry …
but people quickly figured out it is still available over the IP address.
to break it down for you:
In case you don’t know Giuliani: It’s the former New York mayor, which Trump hired for his Cyber-Business.
good lord… He will surely hire the best people
The best 33c3 Talks from december:
Riemann Hypothesis explained the awesome way:
I instantly subscribed to this channel, he has a lot more videos like this and explains math in a cool way.
also a good watch is this one: Who cares about topology?
for a shorter and more straight forward explanation for the Riemann Hypothesis there is also the Numberphile video
You’ve come to the end of all posts.
I started this Blog early 2017.
All the old stuff might still be arround if you are lucky.
But I plan to take it down some time in the future.
So long and thanks for all the fish
- Fefe über Populismus, Wahrheit & Lüge - Jung & Naiv: Folge 289 - 33c3 - Machine Dreams (33c3) - SpiegelMining – Reverse Engineering von Spiegel-Online (33c3) - Build your own NSA (33c3) - 3 Years After Snowden: Is Germany fighting State Surveillance? (33c3) - Martin Haase(maha): Die Sprache der Populisten (33c3) - How physicists analyze massive data: LHC + brain + ROOT = Higgs (33c3) - Nicht öffentlich. (33c3) - You can -j REJECT but you can not hide: Global scanning of the IPv6 Internet (33c3) - Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? Becoming a secret travel agent (33c3) - Shut Up and Take My Money! (33c3) - The DROWN Attack (33c3) Talk - The DROWN Attack
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April Fools Day Jokes - Python 8 - Google Cardboard Plastic - Certified Dogecoin Professional - Cern Music - CountryOS - Donald Trump's Huge Campaign Announcement - Star Trek White Noise Sleep Machine - Humble Indie Font Bundle
- How to Hack an Election - Trump vs. Bernie in the First Ever @midnight Presidential Debate - Böhmermann - Frühling für Frauke - Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Encryption (HBO) - Washington Post Runs 16 Anti-Bernie Stories In 16 Hours - Roadmap to the stars / Scishow - Photonic Propulsion - The Trouble with Transporters -> Follow up from Minute Physics
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- The Origin of Matter and Time (video) - Noam Chomsky on Donald Trump and the GOP (video) - WiFi guest access? You gotta touch the banana - The Sanity of Madness (video) - TrumpScript - Make Python great again - TED - James Veitch: This is what happens when you reply to spam email (video) - The True Nature of Matter and Mass (video) - RetroPie Project
- A message from George Orwell: your digital rights (video) - Frank Rieger über Demokratie, Überwachung & "Lügenpresse" - Jung & Naiv: Folge 247 (video) - Unsere Cyber Cyber Regierung (video)
- cool c3 talks imo (videos) - The exhaust emissions scandal („Dieselgate“) - Philipp Winter: How the Great Firewall discovers hidden circumvention servers - Alexander Graf: Beyond your cable modem - Steini: Quantenphysik und Kosmologie - Fefe, frank: Fnord-Jahresrückblick - Martin Haase/maha, Kai Biermann: „Nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen“ – Floskeln in der Politik - Joscha: Computational Meta-Psychology - rop, frank: Ten years after ‚We Lost The War‘
- What is Something (video) - What Are Quantum Gravity's Alternatives To String Theory? - Black holes have a size limit of 50 billion suns - THE FLYING CAR (A Short Film by Kevin Smith) (video) - The first plasma: the Wendelstein 7-X fusion device is now in operation - Darth Trump (video) - How to sound smart in your TEDx Talk (video) - In a Nutshell - Quantum Computers Explained (video) - Glitch Primes and Cyclops Numbers - Numberphile (video) - MS-DOS 5 Promo Video (video) - 99 Problems but a switch aint one - cisco parody (video) - what is spacetime really - Stephen Wolfram
- Fraktus - Welcome to the internet (video) - TED: We Can Now Edit Our DNA. But Let's Do it Wisely - Jennifer Doudna (video) - greentext - The Star Wars says - Star Wars HoloChess (video) - Why everything is just the worst (video) - Uptime Funk (video) - Honest Teaser - The Force Awakens (video) - Debian MailServer SPF and DKIM
- China 'to start work on super, super-collider by 2020' - ohne worte - How Big is Graham's Number? (feat Ron Graham) (video) - Why Donald Trump Is A Gift To Democracy (video) - Chromoscope - MySQL Bug gets a cake (video) - Quantencomputer - Erstes Logik Gatter - mycli - Forget Steve Jobs, Get Ready For Michael Dell (video) - Phpunit VW Extension - Rapping the History of the Neutrino (video) - Neutrino Nobel Prize - Sixty Symbols (video)
- taler - The European Refugee Crisis and Syria Explained (video) - The Motivation for a Monolithic Codebase (video) - Why Security Experts Are Using Mutt
- The Power Of Selling Out: Your Customers As Political Capital - Onion Talks(viddeo) - How "oldschool" graphics worked.(video) - Superconductivity at -70°C - Giant Mystery Ring of Galaxies Should Not Exist - Why do some people assume that the Planck length/time are the minimum possible length and time? - 3 Messages We've Sent to Extraterrestrials(video) - HN: Windows Platform Binary Table / Lenovo autochk.exe Discussion reddit thread - Cat Feeding Machine - Theories of Everything, Mapped - Python Wheels - The Fighting Techniques Of James T. Kirk
- UCLA unveils augmented reality teaching sandbox - Vim Keyboard - Receiving Weather Satellite Images With An £8 Dongle - bocker - Docker in 100 Lines of Bash - $100 Mio. for SETI - Computer Programming To Be Officially Renamed “Googling Stackoverflow” - SciShow - DeepDream: Inside Google's 'Daydreaming' Computers (video) - Pentaquark - Sixty Symbols (video) - What if there was a black hole in your pocket? (video) - be a rockstar - snow - A layer 3 virtual network that uses public keys instead of IP addresses - GIT T-Shirt
- Fuck off As a Service - IFG Antrag fuer Bundestrojaner Sourcecode - Must-watch videos about Python - Microsoft to support SSH! - What are the dark corners of Vim your mom never told you about?
- KUNG FURY Official Movie (HD) (video) - 4.000 Years of World History - Smart Mirror Project - gnu-pricing - This page exists only if someone is looking at it (so it may not be there anymore soon) - Actual Math behind silicon valleys dick joke - Computational Hydrographic Printing (SIGGRAPH 2015) (video) - Postillon Nach zahlreichen Skandalen: NSA verkauft Tochterunternehmen BND - Jim Holt: Why does the universe exist? (video)
- Docker without Docker - Wormholes Untangle a Black Hole Paradox - stacksort - Josh Triplett - Porting Python to run without an OS - PyCon 2015 (video) mind-blow at 22:45 - How To Write Unmaintainable Code - Little Bobby Tables has a cousin - theFuck - Lorem Ipsum Bug x) - A GIF History of U.S. Retro Gaming Consoles: 1972-1996 - ??!??! operator - The Six Stages of systemd 2014 (video) - let's encrypt - save the internet - The Real Doctor: Tom Baker vs. David Tennant - Nerd Court (video) - How to build a brain with Python (video) - maximum bandwith (video) - Technocracy movement - Vim as a Python IDE (video) - Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Government Surveillance (HBO) (video) - LHC is back in operation - PHP: a fractal of bad design - Python 3 Metaprogramming (video)
April Fools Jokes
- Reddit - The Button - rebrands in preparation for 4.0 release - Introducing Dial-Up mode (video) - Cyanogenmod Nightly Build update - FAZ - Initiative erprobt das katzenlose Netz - Introducing Snapcash! (video) - New Back to the Future Movie Trailer (2015) (video) - Selfie Shoes (video) - Introducing PlayStation Flow (video) - Parteien-Fusion: Piratenpartei und Die PARTEI schließen sich zusammen - x86: Drop 32-bit support in Linux Kernel - Tinder for Uber - Introducing #MotoSelfieStick (video) - Smartbox by Inbox: the mailbox of tomorrow, today (video) - Support for negative number of CPUs is implemented in the Linux kernel - Clippy is open-source on github - - Fefe springt für Sascha Lobos Vortrag auf der re:publica ein - CERN researchers confirm existence of the Force - MS-DOS comes to lumia smartphones - Gentoo website makeover - Pac-Man on Google Maps - xkcloud - LHC Run 2 cancelled, CERN closes doors - Microsoft Announces Its Own Linux OS - Do It YourSelfie 360° Selfie Rig - Die Klassiker kehren zurück: O2 verkauft Vintage-Handys von Nokia und Siemens - Galaxy BLADE edge: Chef’s Edition - The XQD - Quantum Entanglement Camera (video) - Pac-Man in Ingress - python yoloimport - CSS draft of including astronomical scales , also "double rainbow" ! - Introducing Google Actual Cloud Platform (video) - LM hash wins Password Hashing Contest - Add ROT13. A fast, keyless, powerful cipher. - Meẗal - a python decorator library powered by umlauts - Metasploit Banner Adjustments - Disney/Pixar's X-WINGS Movie Trailer (video) - live technician monitoring - Peter Jackson Developing Doctor Who Film Franchise With All Surviving Doctors
- Rocky's Printer - Eye of the tiger on a dot matrix printer (video) - Your website should be so simple, a drunk person could use it - Cards against IT - Apple Engineer Talks about the New 2015 Macbook - Programming sucks - The Gentleman's Single-Use Monocle - sans bullshit sans - Linux 4.0-rc1 Hurr durr I'ma Sheep - ChuckNorrisException - unindexed - self-deleting site -> archive link - Moving online webserver using public transport (video) - systemd gets a bootloader please ! stahp ! - exploding kittens
- Win Cleaner (video) - The First Honest Cable Company (video) - How People with Schizophrenia Use the Internet - Magic - Bundespressekonferenz: Zu viele Fragen unerwünscht - In Fake Universes, Evidence for String Theory - Thousands of people are watching this guy code a search engine - it's a unix system, I know this - The Game - Now, I can see wifi signals. - Chaos Darmstadt stellt sich vor (video) - Ubiquiti Networks EdgeMAX Edge Router Lite (video) - A regular expression to check for prime numbers - 0h n0 – A new game from the makers of 0h h1 - DSCOVR Mission Launch video - Silicon Valley Season 2: Promo (HBO) (video) - Netflix und Nintendo arbeiten an Zelda-Epos - Samsung warnt: Bitte achten Sie darauf, nichts Privates vor unseren SmartTVs zu erzählen - Ubuntu smartphone offers alternative to apps - One-electron_universe - Doctor Who Lego Set - Supercomputer and the Milky Way - Computerphile (video) - What It Is Like to Be Schizophrenic (video) - Guido van Rossum: The Early Years of Python (video) - Raspberry Pi 2 - ARTE : Yps - eine kommunistische Erfindung?
- Microsoft to invest in Cyanogen, which hopes to take Android from Google - NSA tweets happy data privacy day - EFF’s Game Plan for Ending Global Mass Surveillance - ssh-chat - Software Library: MS-DOS Games - arch-dev ML : Git repositories for AUR - secure secure shell - Inside a Google data center (video) - Cards against science
- 31c3 is on - here is a summary of links and infos : Chaos Communication Congress - How many GNU/Linux users are needed to change a light bulb? - Kernel commit - 4 year old girl fixes formatting to make 's' happy :) - The Joy of Whiteboarding with Rob Boss - Fertig-Rechenzentrum im container - DefCon 22 - Weaponizing Your Pets - Gene Bransfield - DefCon 22 Videos online - Superconductivity without cooling - the 31c3 Fahrplan is online - SWAPI - The Star Wars API - NASA’s Journey to Mars News Briefing - Star Wars: Episode VII Trailer - George Lucas' Special Edition - Four ways Linux is headed for no-downtime kernel patching
- The history of IRC - Arthur C. Clarke Predicts the Internet & PC video - Aaaand they are forking Debian - Java EE - writing a simple hello world application xD - Host unknown - CISSP - E-Cigarettes can give you malware - Anderson Cooper tries schizophrenia simulator - Lockheed Martin's overly dramatic commercial - we are all going to die - Hackernews Evergreens - GNU hello 2.10 has been released - A new era dawns - Cloud and Heat - Star Trek Nagios Dashboard - Tetris printer algorithm and an example GIF - Crypto 101 - an introductory course on cryptography
- Windows gets a packet-manager - Facebook's osquery - Lockheed says makes breakthrough on fusion energy project - Sonneborn strikes again - Tibor Navracsics - openBSD fixes 37 year old bug with a 22 year old patch in head - Systemd is introducing a VT ... WHy ? - The Physical Web - How does a computer chip work - Learn Brogramming, The Hard Way - Cameron raps the truth
- Martin Sonneborn: Fragen an Oettinger - The 31c3 Wiki is online - Mining Bitcoin with pencil and paper - - if it doesn't work just use more of it like violence - SHELLSHOCK - Bash vulnerability - uselessd - the smaller systemd :) - There's a new unofficial installer for arch ( German Site ) - Reddit Thread - Just Sysadmin Things - chromeos-apk - run android apps on the desktop (POC) - Shout - finally a nice web-irc client :) - a JPEG that becomes a PNG after AES encryption and a PDF after 3DES decryption - Netflix introducing the Chaos Engineer - Awesome pop culture caricature art - sshrc - take your bashrc with you when you ssh - Evolution’s Random Paths Lead to One Place - AVGN - The Movie : it's finally out and it's awesome ;) - Antique Case for Custom File Server : kickin' it oldskool - ITER Assembly video - Geek Art - Browse the interwebZ with SMS :)