Wipe and reinstall a running Linux system via SSH without reboot

Takeover.sh โ€“ Wipe and reinstall a running Linux system via SSH without reboot

I didn’t even know this was possible. I personally don’t have a use case for this but it sounds kinda awesome. This method appearently lets you completly reinstall the root filesystem without rebooting the machine, which means you could swap the entire Distro on the running box.

here’s a stackoverflow post explaining the steps in detail.

If I get this right… you make a new pseudo-filesystem, start an init in it, ssh into it und unmount the real root to wipe it completly. So basically It keeps the running Kernel and swaps out everything else.

neat ๐Ÿ™‚

soup.io will be coming back online

So soup.io has been down completly for over a week now.
At last there’s some information about the incident.

Appearently they have a hardware failure and are working on it.
I mean, okay this stuff happens but at least notify your users about it.
one single tweet would have been sufficient.
Instead everywhere on Twitter and Reddit people were asking themselves,
if soup is now down for good and if they took it down without saying something.
This is one of the reasons, I started this shitpost Blog.
Soup is definitly not reliable enough.
I will probably continue using it nevertheless and always keep in mind,
that one day all the data might be gone.
It’s okay if they don’t have ressources for customer support,
but c’mon … not even a single word for more than a week of downtime ?
Anyway, no worries. I hope its back up soon and they didn’t loose too much data.

just say something next time ๐Ÿ™‚