Wipe and reinstall a running Linux system via SSH without reboot

Takeover.sh – Wipe and reinstall a running Linux system via SSH without reboot

I didn’t even know this was possible. I personally don’t have a use case for this but it sounds kinda awesome. This method appearently lets you completly reinstall the root filesystem without rebooting the machine, which means you could swap the entire Distro on the running box.

here’s a stackoverflow post explaining the steps in detail.

If I get this right… you make a new pseudo-filesystem, start an init in it, ssh into it und unmount the real root to wipe it completly. So basically It keeps the running Kernel and swaps out everything else.

neat 🙂

Arch linux deprecating 32Bit support

from the arch-dev-public mailinglist

Finally found some time to write a draft for news post on i686. Here it is:

Title: i686 is dead, long live i686

Due to the decreasing popularity of i686 among the developers and the
community, we have decided to phase out the support of this architecture.

The decision means that February ISO will be the last that allows to
install 32 bit Arch Linux. The next 9 months are deprecation period,
during which i686 will be still receiving upgraded packages. Starting
from November 2017, packaging and repository tools will no longer
require that from maintainers, effectively making i686 unsupported.


Giuliani knows how to hire cyber people

The Register reports That the Giuliani Security website is pretty ancient.

And on twitter some guy posted an nmap scan of the box.

Right after this went public, they took down the A Record DNS entry …

but people quickly figured out it is still available over the IP address.

to break it down for you:

  • a lot of open ports
  • running openssh version 4.7 ( lol )
  • OS must be 9 to 10 years old at least
  • could be a NAT or a single box ( either way it’s funny )
  • expired ssl
  • Exposed cms login
  • using joomla install from 2013
  • ssh, pop3 (?), imap, smtp, mysql, ldap ALL open to the public
  • looks like a honeypot from 1999 or a metasploitable installation

In case you don’t know Giuliani: It’s the former New York mayor, which Trump hired for his Cyber-Business.

good lord… He will surely hire the best people


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