YaY !

Minimalism Update

I’m still on my minimalism journey
and just reached a new plateau.
This week I started to get rid of furniture like shelves
and donated most of my old books.
And I also sold a ton of stuff on ebay.
And I’ve reached a point,
where I’m happy with my appartment again.
It looks cleaner and tidier than ever.
I think this will do for a while.
It’s time to settle a bit and think about
what I want to get rid of next.
Right now I feel relieved and satisfied.
But that’s probably just temporary.
I’m sure the next big purge will come 🙂

Minimalist Datahoarder Contradiction

How Datahoarding and Minimalism go together.

For those of you that scrolled through my shitpost blog,
you might already know that I like to live a minimalist lifestyle
and I’m also a self-proclaimed datahoarder,
who collects terrabytes of stuff on a homeserver.

That does sound like a contradiction, doesn’t it?
How do those two go together?
If I want to embrace minimalism,
why am I hoarding so much stuff on hard drives?
Shouldn’t I practice digital minimalism
to free myself from the digital clutter?

Well there’s fine distinction to make here,
which explains why datahoarding and minimalism go together quite well.

Let me explain….

I like visual and mental minimalism. Visual is obvious. Cleaner surfaces, less clutter, not much to clean, open spaces, no materialism, frugal living, not buying stupid shit, and so on and so on and so on.
Data doesn’t take up physical space. So we are good with this one.
Let’s move on…
But with the mental minimalism, the one that helps to clear your mind,
there’s difference on how to approach this.

Some may say you should reduce digital clutter and data
to free up headspace, clear your mind and have less distractions.
But I beg to differ.
While digital minimalism may work for some people
and helps them to stop waisting time on instagram and
having a zero email inbox, I have a different proposal.

First of Apps, Tools, Organizers, Calendars
or better yet the internet as a whole, just is so convenient.
You can be much more productive and much more efficient if you use your smartphone and computer as a tool to organize and manage your life.
So I don’t know why some people on reddit think going back to a flip-phone is the holy grail of digital minimalism. It just makes your life unecessary complicated, hard and tedious.

But that’s another story.

I wanted to elaborate more on my datahoarding and how it is still a minimalistic lifestyle. I have a lot of data, but all my files are categorized, organized, indexed and remotely accessible. If I need to check something I can find it instantly with my phone. This goes for work contract, or my latest eletricity bill or even my 4th grade school certificate. Photos, Videos, Projects, Code I wrote 5 years ago, that random meme I photoshoped in 2013, … You name it. I have everything in my digital vault and I can find and access it instantly on my phone from everywhere in the world.
This makes life just so much more easy and conveniant.

I also live entirely paperless. Everything is digital. It’s super efficient.

And if it makes my life easier, I don’t want to declutter and go all minimalistic on my hoard. Why would I? Hard Drives are relatively cheap.

But that’s not all. Besides it beeing awesome to have instant access to all my data all the time, I also have a place to dump my notes, tasks, project plans, reminders and random files into my productivity systems and in my archive.
I can write down and archive every thought I want to remember and can tag it and archive it for later.

It frees up so much mental space and clears the mind.

In this case you can actually say … Sometimes MORE IS LESS

And this is why datahoarding and minimalism can go together 🙂

have a pleasent weekend everybody


Do you ever feel super stupid?
Like … you actually start to question everything
and think about how you might have a huge defiency
but nobody ever told you?
Sometimes I like to introspect and
think about myself and I often come to the same conclusion:
Thank god for the internet.

I learned so much online that I believe without internet access,
I probably would eat bananas with the skin.
I’m still a monkey with a keyboard
but If it weren’t for the abundance of free information
and courses on the tubez, I would be even be more of a dork.

It’s truly a great time to be alive.


What the fuck is going on with Stonks ?

I’m starting to go into the red. I’m not amused.
This is not what I signed up for.
The guys on Reddit told me Stonks only go up. Somebody help.

J Powell? Lagarde? What’s wrong? Are the printers stuck?
Maybe I can help I work in IT. Try turning them off and on again.

This almost feels like crypto. Make them damn stonks go up again.

ah ! Not so bad after all.
Nintendo had a 10-for-1 Stocksplit and my App hasn’t caught up. phew !

Datahoarding Spree

Do you know that feeling when you just start to download random shit from the internet just to satisfy your urge to hoard data ? No particular aim. Just downloading for the sake of downloading. Like … you don’t even want to consume the stuff, you just want to hoard it….

You don’t ?

Well I might have to talk with my psychiatrist about that.
I might have a problem.


Creating a Youtube Video is fucking hard as fuck. I have some expierence with Video Editing and even did an hour long Snowboard Movie once. So this is not my first project. But holy shit, talking to a camera was way more difficult than I initially thought. I mean. I didn’t think It would be easy. But man that shit was amateurish as hell. I couldn’t even remember a single sentence for longer than a split second. always stuttering and loosing thought. I think I have to do away with the strict scripts and just speak more freely and more relaxed.

Besides being a total dork on camera, I see like a million things to improve. It’s cringy as hell, but if I don’t upload, I won’t improve. I need to just own it and keep posting.

So onto Number #2 🙂



Alrigth I’m doing Youtube now so deal with it xD

Starting a damn Youtube Channel was on my Bucket List for quite a while now.

This is Baby’s first Youtube. I know how super cringy this is and I’m aware that it’s an incoherent mess, but I won’t get any better if I don’t  practice making videos. Everybody needs to start somewhere 🙂

Constructive criticism is welcomed. Now I need to make a second Video ASAP, so that this one moves further down the feed into oblivion.

stay tuned for more self-improvement content.

Here is my Channel . Remember to like or whatever. Thanks Bye 🙂


Sorry I just noticed, a quote got autoposted which wasn’t exactly expressing my beliefs and values and I don’t know how that got in there. But I probably scheduled it by accident some time ago. So whoever saw that for the few hours that it was up. Apologies. Not in tune with my political beliefs.

That Moment…

…When you realize you are actually making progress.

Just today I was sitting on my couch and had the urge to do something productive. But I didn’t exactly know what to do. I believe I have all my shit together. Nothing can be optimized or improved, well at least not that I’m aware of. Chores are all done. I’m on track. Everything is taken care of.

And suddenly that weird feeling of anxiety overcame me.

It took me a while to realize… I actually reached a lot of my personal goals and I’m on track with all my plans. But … what … now ? I just couldn’t relax. I had this anxious feeling to do something… anything. And this is when it hit me. I need to move forward already and start something new.

It’s time for a new project. And I have a couple of ideas.

I immediatly starting braindumping and planing tasks to start to get creative again. And when I was done I realized I’m actually making progress because I feel ready to tackle new challenges.

Feels good man. So this is progress ? Seems like it.

Achievement unlocked. HAVE MY SHIT TOGETHER 🙂

Going Overboard !

I’m going overboard with Todoist. Why the fuck am I enjoying time management so much? It’s weird. But it kinda gives my deprived brain the dopamin rush it needs. I’m way too much into organizing the shit out of my schedule. Custom Filters and Tags are neat. They allow me to fine tune the app to get exactly the workflow I want. It kinda reminds me when I first moved from Excel Sheets to YNAB. These tools just gamify the boring stuff and you can spend hours tweaking it exactly the way you like it. Well at least it works. And it does work… way better than my old app, which was basically just a bunch of lists. But I noticed I’m not the average user. went from beginner to intermediate karma level in 2 days of using the app. Probably because I added so much tasks. I have the weirdest hobbies. I even have two accounts now. One main one and one for work.

ToDo Migration

Alright I moved my entire Workflow to ToDoist. The App convinced me. immediatly subscribed to the pro version and moved all my tasks over.

Since a couple of years I have a system of recurring Tasks, which allow me to basically run my life on autopilot. But I wanted everything a bit more fancy and needed more control. Todoist was exactly what I was looking for.

So I moved a total of 600 Tasks and Reminders over. Including the settings for each task. Took me my entire Sunday. I was moving everything manually one by one. I hope it was worth it.


I’ve done my taxes in january. Which means I’m waiting since 6 months for my shit to get processed now. 6 fucking months. And today I wanted to log into elster online to check if I accidentally didn’t submit them or something. Now the website is broken and I can’t login. Some input field is missing or something. Checked with different browsers.

I love germany. That’s how we role.

Am I too harsh? Maybe I should be more patient and give them another 3 months for the website to get fixed and 3 months for my taxes to be processed. This should put the deadline to 2023. No pressure. Everybody chillax !

Access Denied

Some idiot is trying to log into one of my servers by doing a login attempt every 5 minutes from various different alternating IP addresses. Looks like a long running dictionary attack or something.

Dude, give up already. It’s spaming my logs. I don’t even know my password myself. And unless you also have my 2FA tokens you are out of luck anyway.

To mitigate the logspam I’m making a new rule.

3 Strikes and you are out. If any IP has 3 failed attempts it gets blocked forever. I hope the guy has unlimited IP addresses if he wants to keep this up.


Alright I wanna do SEO now.

Okay… So how do I do SEO for a meme page?

Do I just put stuff like “dank” and “funny” into the keywords? What are people searching for these days? Maybe I can just use dirty words and pretend that I’m a pr0n site. So many options. Just kidding. I wanna do this right.

I have decent traffic already and I’m really curious what will happen if I pretend to give a damn. I want to know how much more traffic I can squeeze out of this shitpost-blog.

I’ll be back. doing some research