Pre-ToasterBotnet & Pre-Quickstop Wiki 2013

old but gold

Some old stuff which popped up again 🙂

- Kung Fury Trailer
- wat
- The Expert (sketch)
- Binary Metal
- Isaac Asimov Memorial Debate: The Existence of Nothing. Moderated by Neil DeGrass Tyson
- How to shoot yourself in the foot in various programming languages
- Unix recovery legend
- Back to the future - unix wildcards gone wild
- Stackoverflow - programmer jokes
- Stackoverflow - Comments in Source Code
- Microsoft Support - How to Remove Linux and Install Windows XP
- The Website is down
- The Website is down #2 Excel Hell
- Ubuntu Causes Girl To Drop Out of College
- Leonard Susskind - Why is Time a One-Way Street?
- Nova - Brian Greene : The Elegant Universe
- GINK , or everything derrickcomedy
- Programming Jargon
- Leonard Susskind - The Black Hole Wars: My Battle with Stephen Hawking
- Rootless Root - The Unix Koans of Master Foo - From ESR
- everybody loves Eric Raymond - Webcomic Archives
- something of that ilk - Webcomic
- Windows 386 Promo video
- Geek Hero - Webcomic 
- The oatmeal comics
- Dog House Diaries
- Defcon 14 - Secrets of the hollywood hacker
- linux on a potato
- Numb3rs' description of IRC
- NCIS 2 idiots 1 Keyboard
- The Onion - World of World of Warcraft
- Bruce Schneier Facts
- Mindguard
- Linux on an 8-Bit Micro
- Code Monkey
- If carpenters were hired like programmers
- Epic Rap Battles of History - Einstein Vs. Hawking (video)
- Photoshop Rap Tutorial (video)
- Photoshop Rap Tutorial Part 2 (video)
- Rowan Atkinson - Conservative Conference